Women for Women’s Human Rights (WWHR) is an autonomous women’s organization committed to promoting women’s human rights and gender equality, and eliminating all kinds of discrimination in Turkey and internationally.

Human Rights Education Program for Women (HREP)


Feminist Knowledge Production and Dissemination

Human Rights Education Program for Women (HREP)


Feminist Knowledge Production and Dissemination
“After this training, I now want to start my own business or work in a paid job and gain my financial independence.”
HREP Participant
“The transformations women in the HREP group experienced gave me hope and strength. Having contributed to these concrete outcomes has empowered me.”
HREP Trainer
“I’m no longer silent, I’m no longer afraid.”
HREP Participant
“I saw that hard-fought rights were being snatched away and I wasn’t doing anything about it, we have to fight back.”
HREP Participant