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Sexual and Bodily Rights as Human Rights in the Middle East and North Africa: A Workshop Report

By June 8, 2004August 8th, 2021No Comments
Sexual and Bodily Rights as Human Rights in the Middle East and North Africa: A Workshop Report (2004, English)

A workshop on Sexual and Bodily Rights as Human Rights in the Middle East and North Africa, co-organized by Women for Women’s Human Rightsand the Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies, was held in Malta from May 29 to June 1, 2003. Twenty-two representatives of NGOs from Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Turkey, Pakistan, Malta and the US participated in the three-day meeting. The workshop was designed to exchange information, knowledge and experience in the area of sexual and bodily rights and thus provide a broader regional framework to discuss and expand ongoing efforts to enable the exercise of these rights. Furthermore, it aimed at strengthening the growing network on sexuality in the Middle East and North Africa and promoting regional efforts while maintaining the significance of national contexts and peculiar characteristics of individual cases. The objective was to establish and/or strengthen the organic and inherent links springing from commonalities in the societies’ social, religious, legal and political structures and develop and/or elaborate on strategies to promote sexual and bodily rights as human rights.

Liz Erçevik Amado
Istanbul, 2004