Urban Women and Labor Force Participation (1998, Turkish)
The overall trend of the femininization of labor power – particularly in low-paying export sectors – in most “developing” countries along with the adoption of export-oriented development policies in the 1970s and 80s has not been reflected in women’s employment in Turkey despite growing exports and the strategy of international integration espoused as of 1980. On the contrary, it is possible to speak of the phenomenon of a deepening ‘masculinizaton’ of labor power in Turkey. Based on data collected via in-person interviews with women on personal and household demographic characteristics, their work experiences, reasons for not working or leaving work, immigrant profiles, attitudes towards paid employment, mobility, decision-making power and their desires in terms of determining the course of their own lives in a field survey conducted in Ümraniye, a densely populated Istanbul neighborhood receiving a high flow of internal migrants in a city that is the main destination of internal migration in Turkey, this study sets out from personal accounts and attempts to analyze women’s participation in economic life from a gender perspective.
İpek İlkkaracan
Bilanço 98: 75 Yılda Kadınlar ve Erkekler (Tally 98: Men and Women in 75 Years), p. 285-302.
Tarih Vakfı (History Foundation)
Istanbul, 1998